A significant amount of research has already been done on the chemical analysis of resin from the various Boswellia species and more is ongoing by private industries, as well as academic communities worldwide. However, to my knowledge, there are very few studies done on the individual or collective compounds showing a direct impact on cancer cell or other chronic diseases in the human body. There are no true long-term clinical studies being done to establish that Boswellia resin in its raw form or in pure essential oils cures or how it improves any disease or illness. We know that the resin contains beneficial compounds and there are ample historical claims that Boswellia cure multiple diseases, but we also know that most fruits, berries, and vegetables contain similar beneficial compounds and similar claims have been made but non proved to cures diseases.
Our focus at TEC is to explore planned hybridization, selective breeding, and, potentially, the use of genetic engineering and CRISPR to create new species and examine their resin. We know that some of our hybrids contain certain compounds that do not exist in either parent and in few hybrids, the potency and quantities of certain compounds have been magnified. We believe that the future of Boswellia lies in these hybridized species designed to meet certain criterion.