
Behind the Steel Web – by Jason Eslamieh
Breaking the Silence
By Jason Eslamieh
the sound of flapping fish in a dry ocean
the sound of death
crackling mud under the burning sun
suffocating by air when air is death
the vicious cycle, perpetual motion
the cycle with no beginning, the cycle with no end
the sun is broken and night is falling,
the mud is dry: cups full of empty
holding my breath to hear life
all I could hear was the sound of flapping fish
blackened sky, no moon, not even a star
the sound of thunder echoes in my head, no lightening, silent rain
falling water on dry mud
breaking the silence, smell of life
the color of rainbow dancing on the waves
words of colors in black and white
fry emerging as a thousand fish
semen in the pool: regeneration
looked above as if the answers would be in the sky
broken pages of the scriptures
floating above, dancing in mid air
the secrets were in the words and
the words had no meanings
in my dream eyes wide open
the meaning of life, the purpose of death
a few broken words
as if written for a play
the essence of perpetual motion,
life or matter, evolution
no heaven, no hell
no beginning, no end
I crumpled the pages
and it dawns on me,
the meaning of life
is in my hands
Ask Hafez
By Jason Eslamieh
Last night I visited Hafez in Shiraz
The moon was full but hidden behind the clouds
Waited with his book in my hand
Thumbed the pages all night
He showed up late, drunk and disillusioned
I asked; have you found your lover in paradise?
Laughter broke the silence
A few words danced crossed the pages
As his shadow walked into the clouds, he chanted his favorite song
I met God when I found myself
Disillusioned, needed more
Took the journey up to the heaven
Found heaven empty and the angels dead
So, I tell you my friend
When you find yourself, you have found god
A Free Pass to Heaven
By Jason Eslamieh
A few strands of hair on his chin
An early sign of puberty
Boy to man
His head is buzzed, clean, and perfectly round
Holding back his smile, no clue why
The call to heaven, no questions asked
His younger brother standing by the doorway
Eyes wide open, gazing no where
His father standing a few feet away, eyes glazed over
His mother kisses him goodbye tears rushing down
She looks up in the sky to the heaven above
She sees more sky
Searching for heaven, believed it was somewhere beyond the color blue where God is watching over her son.
Under his white cotton shirt buttoned up to his neck
A bomb wrapped around his waist.
His jacket covers him good in the chilly afternoon
He walks away with an older man who told him of the myth
A free pass to heaven, the virgins, and eternity with god.
They blend in with the crowd in the busy downtown
He hops onto a crowded bus, his uncle stays behind
He sits down on the cold metal bench
Too shy to look up to see the children, women, or elderly
Sitting across the aisle
Lives he holds in the palms of his hands
Shattered glass, the sounds of screams, and smoke rising to the sky
Same place his mother looked and saw heaven, angels, and God
Some myths are as beautiful as the unicorn, others kill like God
The Pomegranate Stick
By Jason Eslamieh
Every Thursday after school
I walk to my grandma’s
Kicking every rock laying in the alley on my way
The last pebble stands on its feet and whispers: you are here!
I softly curse and open the door
The sound of screech
Brings back in me the good boy I need to be
Painted smile, obedience and a dash of charm
Hide the war as nothing is wrong
I sit on the floor holding one knee to my chest
Chanting the Koran with rhythms and
Swaying motions that never end
My thoughts wander to the forbidden land
Where boys question without punishment
Where silence begs the truth in my head
My eyes miss a word or two and my chanting stops
My body still in motion
The long pomegranate stick cuts the air in half
I see my hand pulls back
Just a tad too slow, the pain rushes in my head
Tears fill my eyes
My Pride fights the gravity
The words are blurry running across the page
The pomegranate stick cuts the air
No tear drops on the page
Grandma is long gone and half a century passed
I learned the Koran, words of hollow and foreign sounds
I still see the bruises on my hands
Dreams of the pomegranate stick haunt me every night but free at last
Woman in Darfur
By Jason Eslamieh
Her seven children packed in a one-room hut
Quiet with no movement, scraps on the ground
The baby in a hammock, mended sheets and palm fronds
The oldest, nine, standing by the window, a hole in the wall
Gazing into the bushland looking over the thin line
Where land meets the sky
The deadly silence so loud
Broken by the sound of boots pounding near- in the distance
Dust rises, dirt in the sky
Fifteen men in camouflage
One kicks the door in
Roomful of bodies, eyes glowing in the dark
Fear sucks out the air and for a moment everyone knows what is to come
The baby screams with more courage
Than all fifteen in camouflage
She stands up, reaching for her baby
A hand crosses the room, grabs her by the hair
Shredded sheets and broken fronds,
No more screams, not even a peep
Her back hits the ground, the sound of shame echoes fifteen times
Forever in her mind
Five children packed in the corner, one is gone
No one looks, no one talks
The baby holding her breath
Color purple, eyes wide open
As the sun sinks into the earth
He comes home
He knows what has happened, no words escape any mouth
She finds herself out
Out of her home
Home she made for so long
Husband she loved, children she raised
Strangers in the dark
Night is falling, hyenas roaming in the distance
She lays on her side holding onto her knees
She whispers: God
Silence replies: you are all alone, close your eyes.
Holy Deception
By Jason Eslamieh
I cracked open the door to see behind the dark wall
Who plays and screams and how the story ends
I hear the night whispers and the dark shadows;
the heart of the righteous ones
I see deception, lies and injustice
I see the men of cloth holding a black book,
strands of beads and naked from the waist down
I saw innocence lost and heard the scream fall
Deadly silence wrapped in shame
Feet dangling from the sheet soiled by the cloth
I thought there would be angels coming and Gabriel to save
I saw nothing, no one came
Feet dangling
By Jason Eslamieh
The all-powerful, Created the world in seven days
All forgiving, all kind
Created hell, vengeance for man
Floods the world to massacre life
Life, he can create no more
Noah saves a few
Stories and legends
Logos and mythos
Soon imbedded in our souls
Facts and fiction merging in delusion
Intelligent design, excuse for answers
I am suspicious